Personal Growth.
We want to help each other grow as worshippers of God through Jesus. We also want to see more worshippers join us as we proclaim Jesus and share our hope.
A life for others.
Many people are hurting: physically, emotionally, psychologically, and socially. The church is a place where healing can be found, because the church is a place that knows and introduces people to Jesus, the healer. We want to help those who are hurting in our midst (at church, and through Gospel Communities and Hope Prahran).
Meaningful Work.
Work can look very different from one person to the next and we want to help people understand the value of work as service that loves others (either a few people a lot, i.e., a mother, or a lot of people a little, i.e., a road engineer), helps to bring order to our city, and is patterned after our God.
Life Together.
We believe that Gospel truth is most transformative in the context of community. This is why we are so committed to helping people get established not only in Jesus but also in Christian community.
As Christian community grows, more congregations and Gospel communities need to be planted both locally in Prahran and all over this city. It will take a network of Gospel-centred churches working together to help Melbourne know and worship the Father through the Son in the Spirit – and all the while we need to be praying for spiritual renewal.