Jordan Hitchcock
Senior Minister

Helen Jacobs
Families and Children
At St Matt’s Helen coordinates our Children and Families Ministry which includes mid-week playgroups, Sunday Kids' Church and Kids Talks, and encouraging and resourcing our families. Helen is also the Child Safety Officer for St Matt’s - we take the safety of everyone very seriously, doing everything we can to make St Matt’s a safe place to be.
Helen and her family started attending St Matt’s in February 2001, so she’s been around for a while! Helen loves the supportive, loving community of St Matt’s and the commitment to preaching the truth of God’s word, and spending time with people of all ages over lunches, dinners, coffee and hiking!
Helen has known God as her creator and saviour her whole life. Her parents modelled God’s Word as the foundation of life and modelled a trust in Jesus Christ and His guidance through a personal relationship with Him– such a blessing. Helen grew up in New Zealand and came to Australia in her 20s to a research role (working towards making a vaccine to help sheep fight parasite infections!). Helen met her husband here and together they love exploring the outdoors and experiencing it with family and friends through hiking, kayaking and cycling locally and also in other parts of the world. They also love catching-up regularly with their adult children and their pets!
Lynn Cupido
Administrative Co-Ordinator